Tuesday, March 27, 2007

To Day-Care or Not?

We are very fortunate to be able to have C. at home full-time now. She is really enjoying being a "stay-at-home mommy" now. With this major transition that N. has gone through in the past two months, it is pretty essential. We are hoping to be able to continue on one-salary, and we're willing to make the sacrifices that it may take. Reminds me of the line from a Jonathan Coulton song "we're gonna need more money...".

I came across this interesting article in the NY Times related to behavior and day care. I'm sure there is a lot of validity to the story, but as it states in the beginning, parental guidance was still the largest factor in good child behavior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how the "experts" always post some special bonuses for those mothers who choose to day care rather than stay at home (like this article's claim that language skills accelerate as a result of a child being in day care!). I can vouch for the fact that I raised two perfect children (time for Scott and Carmen to LOL), and I owe it all to staying at home!
