Our trip back was long, long, long! But N. did surprisingly well on the flights and in the airports. After getting up at 4:30am on Wed for our trip to the airport in Guangzhou, we had a slight (slight?) problem at the airport. When I booked N.'s ticket for the return flight, I was under the assumption that she would have a legal name change in China. So I used N...make sense, right? Well, since her Chinese passport still used her Chinese name, they didn't want to check her in. Well another blessing came in the form of another groups translator, who helped us at the JAL support desk. I had decided to pack all our paperwork in our carry-on luggage, which was providential since I was able to find her adoption certificate, which also had her American name on it. That convinced the airline to let her fly with us. After much confusion, they rushed us through security and we made it on the flight with about 10 minutes to spare. N. slept most of the way on the first flight, which was nice since we were stuck in the middle two seats of the center row.
We had a 6hr layover in Tokyo, so we found a quiet spot in one of the corridors and setup shop there. We took out all her toys, and we were able to play, eat and keep her awake for the whole time.
On the second leg, from Tokyo to JFK, N. became that screaming baby that everyone on the flight turns around to look at with evil eyes that said "can't you get control of your baby?". I've decided there is nothing in this world more stressful and nerve-racking than a screaming baby in your arms that you cannot console or quiet. Luckily, we don't have to experience it too often. The screaming only lasted for about 30 minutes (only?), and she finally fell asleep. Later in the flight she turned into the happy baby, smiling and making faces at everyone around her. I told her I don't think it was making up for the earlier screaming session, but she was oblivious to my advice.
Our arrival into JFK was delayed in the air for about 45 minutes because of the major snow/ice storm that had happened during the day. But we finally landed and got to the gate only about 50 minutes late. Considering all the other problems we heard about at JFK, this was a blessing.
It was such a relief to be home with her, after this 27 month ordeal. She is very jet-lagged, and wants to get up to play at 1 or 2 in the morning still, but she is getting better. Last night we both got about 6hrs of sleep, which was such a bonus. She even slept to 6:20 this morning. We are enjoying her more everyday, (the sleep is helping). And my parents have been a great help with food and babysitting, allowing C. to get some needed sleep during the day. I struggled through 2 days of work on Thursday and Friday, but this weekend has been great being home relaxing, as much as you can relax with an 11 month old around. It is good to be a Dad.
Dan, Carmen,
It has been wonderful to keep abreast of your trip. Great to have the three of you back! Thanks so much for your testimony. God bless each of you.
Carmen, Dan and Natalia
What an amazing journey. I can't wait to meet your daughter! She is a breath of sunshine. Sending lots of hugs and good wishes.
Maribel Corbett and Family
P.S.-kids are looking forward to meeting Natalia. Hopefully we can do it soon.
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