I just got a chance to get to all my emails this afternoon. besides all the parenting stuff, we've been very busy all week going to appointments and meetings. today was our first "fun day", a trip to the Guangzhou zoo. It was a beautiful day, and we got to walk around for a couple of hours in the sun looking at the animals. The Panda is the big attraction there.
she is doing great, better every day. we skipped the shopping outing everyone went on this afternoon and have just stayed in the room relaxing. she loves to just play with things while sitting on the floor.
tomorrow the whole group is going to a buddist temple where the Chinese monks traditionally like to bless the adopted children before they leave the country. the blessing is suppose to travel with them for the rest of their lives outside of China. they feel since they were born in China, in a buddist country, they should be blessed as such. of course it's optional, and some Christian couples have actually not wanted to go through the (Buddist) blessings. we think it will be interesting, and will probably go. the temple is very beautiful too. i don't think the blessing will make her become a buddist... =)
other than that, things are going well. she had her first experience with Cherios today and LOVED them! i even posted some video of it which was funny. everything is a new experience for her, and she loves to explore and touch everything. she is so interesting.
Oh Dan this is too cute! I'm so glad she's opened up to you both so quickly! God's little angel is with you now, I hope you're finding that joy that a Father has with his children throughout her entire life now.. I know you will all be blessed so much by this incredible journey you've started!
Dear Dan
Some of these pictures are so cute, I really can't take anymore. Please insert something mundane or mildly vulgar (see if you have a picture of me with you, for example) to break this mood you've got going. It's getting to be too much like watching a half hour video of Emma in a roomful of teddy bears.
Even though China is one of the last places on Earth I'd like to be, and it would take me weeks just to pronounce the province you're in, I find myself wanting to be where you are just for a few minutes, just so I could tickle your daughter's belly.
Now cut it out.
Dan, Carmen, and of course Natalia,
You make such a beautiful family. The brightness and love in all your eyes and the smiles on all your faces. Even the serious looks show how much you are in love with one another. Can not wait to be able to say Welcome home to all three of you. "THREE" Browns, now doesn't that sound good. Our Love and best wishes are with you. Natalia, take good care of your parents, okay.
Ernie, and Betsy
Dear Dan & Carmen,
Congratulations for your absolutely adorable daughter!!!
We enjoyed all the pictures and videos and we are sure your journey as parents will be equally thrilling and rewarding!
God keep you all in his caring hands.
Gily & Lily
Dear Dan and Carmen, we have really enjoyed every one of your postings, pictures and videos. Congratulations!!!! Natalia is beautiful. Enjoy parenthood, it's absolutely the best!!
Sandra Da Silva (Ortiz)
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