Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy tears

Last night I went to see Scott Simon from NPR while on his book tour. Scott recently wrote a book about his family after adopting two girls from China.

One of his comments reminded me of a question N asked this summer. N question was something like this -- Was my Chinese mama sad when I left?
My answer, "No, she wanted you to be with us."

No, I did not cry in front on N. I have cried and prayed for her Chinese mother many times; and will continue to pray for her.

-- Posted from my iPhone

1 comment:

Lindy said...

My belief is that of course her mother was sad. What mother wouldn't be sad... and what child wants to feel that her mother gave her away without being sad. So maybe a better answer is, "Yes, she was sad but she wanted you to be with us."