Mimi & Abuela
As if one grandmother wasn't enough to start spoiling Natalia, her Abuela from Puerto Rico flew up to help with the spoilage. M. arrived last week to lend a hand to C. during her transition to motherhood. At one point last week, we came to the conclusion that our house won't be clean again until N. goes off to college.
But we are slowly getting into a routine, and we aren't quite as exhausted at night, so things are slowly getting back to normal.
There have actually been a couple nights when N. slept 7 hours straight! There are many stories about the challenges that adopted children face with going to sleep, but thankfully N. is a good sleeper. Although she fights going to sleep sometimes, for the most part she's very ready after her bath, books & bottle. C., who is renown for her need for sleep, is doing quite well too. I now have a great deal more respect for parents who have a newborn in the house with an aversion to sleep. Being able to function during the day after 4-5 hrs of interrupted sleep is a skill we'd rather not have to master in our lives!
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