Gotcha Day!
We both agreed this was the best day of our lives, bar none. We're not so sure that N thought so too. But she is finally sleeping tonight, and life is good. She is a great baby, and very good. She's not showing much emotion yet, and pretty much just sits there and eyes us suspiciously. She was averting eye contact with us at first, but tonight she was watching us walk around the room, and C even got a very brief smile. She is a little congested and has a little cough, and the only other concern is a diaper rash and her skin is extremely dry and cracked in spots. Other than that she seems fine. After about 9 hrs of sleep over the last 4 days, I'm not in the mood to add much, so I'll just upload the pictures. I'll add more tomorrow. Isn't she beautiful?
We are all shedding tears of joy for your little family! What a lucky girl. She is beautiful.
With love,
Linda, Sheila, Wanda Olga and Miriam
Dear Dan, Carmen and Natalia,
These pictures say more than a thousand words ... for those of us who have been with you during your 18 months pregnancy, hoping, praying, waiting ... we now celebrate in our hearts this as you described "best day of our lives" with you.
May God bless all THREE of you!
Wolfi and Juli
P.S. We're very glad to see, that Natalia grows hair after all ;-)
I just can't get over how cute you three are together!! you guys are going to be amazing parents. I'm going to be saying a special prayer for you today and tonight... AWWWWW Congrats!!!
Listen, my child, to the instruction from your father, and do not forsake the teaching from our mother.
My child, if sinners try to entice you, do not consent!
My child, do not go down their way, withhold yourself from their path;
My child, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments,
My child, do not despise discipline from the Lord, and do not loathe his rebuke.
(actually, it's Proverbs)
Hello! Natalia is not just beautiful, she is stunning! Please know that we are thinking of you and praying, too. Your pictures from Gotcha Day are the best. Natalia looks like both of you. She is truly yours to keep!
Cathy, Jim, and Maggie
Dear Dan, Carmen, and Natalie,
Congratulations! These pictures pretty much overwhelmed me. She is so lovely and you are such a beautiful family! We are there with you in spirit, wishing we could be watching in person, but so thankful you're sharing this experience with us -- pretty much instantly! Wishing you wonderful days in China.
love and prayers from Juli / Wolfgang
We are so happy for you. You must feel so good. Natalia looks adorable, and I see she has grown some hair. It's been such a long wait. If you find yourself wandering the hotel at night (as I did), check out the pianist on the second level. Great classical music was somehow just what I needed.
What a beautiful family. This is almost like being on vacation with you. See you soon
Hello you three!
The pix are wonderful! My very favorite is the first one of you holding her. Such emotion, such deep happiness on your face, Carmen! It made me cry. All your months and years of waiting and hard work have paid off. Natalia is drop-dead gorgeous and looks just like a Brown! Enjoy your first two weeks as a family and hurry home -- we all can't wait to love her.
-- The Weigels
Congratulations! What an adventure, but it was all worth it! She is gorgeous. I am hoping to be able to see her before her “quinceaƱero”. I am happy to see you enjoying Natalia’s company. Be ready for the sleepless nights, just to watch her sleep… Enjoy every minute of her, they grow so fast, and is hard to let go. (After 16, 15, & 14 years old teenagers, I can be a judge of it! ) I love you my friend! A big kiss from Auntie Amelia in FL.
My dear, dear son, daughter and baby granddaughter,
We have followed every minute you have shared with us -- shedding tears of joy along with the two of you -- and waited by SKYPE hoping there would be more. (Although you've been so generous sharing all that you have.)How could we ever have wished for the wonder and beauty of Natalia? She is perfect in every way and has learned to respond to you so completely. The prayers we have sent to God over these last 2 years -- that someone would care for and nurture her until she comes home -- have been answered; and whoever that someone is, may God have a special place for h/her. In such a short time, she has filled our hearts with her beauty. We love you all and can't wait until your return.
Mother and Dad
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