Finally! Our long wait to see our daughter's face is over. We met with our social worker today and she reviewed all the information, documents, forms, and bills we'll need to complete to formally accept Lian's referral. How could we not accept her? We, of course, think she's beautiful. Don't you agree?
Oh, one explanation about her hair, or lack thereof. It is common for orphanages in China to shave the baby's heads for hygienic purposes. It keeps them from getting lice and other things like that. I suggested we change her name to Sinead, but Carmen wasn't into it. I guess it will grow back. She's the first short, chubby bald girl I've fallen in love with.

The next question is..."so when are you going to China to bring her back home?". We're not sure yet, but the guess at this point is end of Jan or early Feb. The agency estimates 2-3 months after the referral because there is a lot of work to do between now and then (travel arrangements, visas, reservations, logistics, etc.). The Chinese New Year's is in the middle of February, and this is a very large celebration with many things closing for the festivities, so we're hoping to get in and out before this starts. We'll keep you posted if you're interested. But for now, we'll just enjoy Lian's pictures...and imagine her with hair.
Dan & Carmen ... I am SOOOOOOO happy for you and your new little family! Lian is absolutely beautiful! And about the hair thing ... eh, it will grow back before you know it! She's adorable -- hair or no hair! I can only imagine how excited the two of you must be right now ... this has been a long "pregnancy" for both of you ... well worth the weight, and sweeter the victory of finally reaching the goal. Congratulations, you to! Can't wait to meet her!
Dan and Carmen - CONGRATS on the addition to the Brown family!!! What great news, especially good timing during the holidays when we all are reminded about what's truly important. We can't wait to someday see her - we miss you both and look forward to more good news as you get ready to make the wonderful trip to "complete your pregnancy."
All the best and keep in touch. Always great to hear from you.
-Andy, Lisa and Crew
I sent you guys an email. I'm so very happy for you guys. Congratulations! Ileana
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