Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Tonight N made Christmas cookies with Mimi (Dan's mother).

-- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"It's fun to sleep by myself!"

We decided to go cold turkey last night, and get N. to start sleeping by herself (without her mother).  So we put an air mattress on the floor (for Carmen to use), and told N. she would be sleeping by herself.  This was all very exciting for her until, of course, it was actually time to sleep by herself.

To say that last night was a battle of wills is a gross understatement.  She screamed, and cried, and negotiated for a hours.  It was exhausting.

"I don't like my bed anymore!"
"I want YOU to sleep next to me!"
"I don't like Daddy"

Finally, at about 2am she gave up, pulled her covers over herself and went to sleep.

When she woke up this morning in her own bed and saw Carmen on the air mattress she cheerily said: "It's fun to sleep by myself!"

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cookies anyone?!

Tonight N and I baked cookies. We had fun!

-- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

You speak English!

N and I spent the two weeks before Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico visiting my family. Upon arriving to the airport N was very happy to see her Daddy. Once we got in the car and were all talking about the trip she said with much excitement "Mama, you speak English."

-- Posted from my iPhone