She loves to drive...or at least pretend to drive. Everytime she goes by something with a steering wheel she points at it frantically and makes her "driving" motion with her hand. It doesn't matter if it is a car, truck, riding lawn mower in Home Depot, or a tractor - she wants to steer it.
We decided to be brave and attempt a trip down to PR to visit C's family for New Years. N did really well on the plane and was a real trooper, despite the airline's delays and getting into San Juan much later than we had planned. Because of all my business travel, we were able to get an upgrade to first class - which was SO much nicer for us. The extra room was a great blessing since N was able to wander around the seats a lot easier.
C's family thoroughly enjoyed their visit. It was the first time her father and brother had met N, and they immediately fell in love with her. C's sister was also visiting from Tokyo, so she got to spend some quality time with her "Titi" also.
Her Spanish comprehension is really amazing already. She seems to understand everything they were saying to her - or at least was able to fake it pretty good (like her father!) She always wanted to be outside: chasing the small lizards around, watching the ants, or running around the yard. She really had a good time and with all the exercise, playing, and running around she pretty much just collapsed every night - which we enjoyed.